Some DIY ideas sound cute, until you realise that they cost more than buying the product itself. Lucky for you, this DIY Bath Tea recipe is truly affordable and uses ingredients that most of us will have sitting in our cupboards at home.

So, let’s run ourselves a warm bath and make some magic happen with this easy but indulgent idea.

If using bath teas is new to you, let’s just say there is a reason why they are our best sellers! With their skin nourishing, natural ingredients, and eco-friendly credentials – it’s clear to see why so many people treat themselves at bath time.

It can be tempting to pour in a supermarket bath foam, which might give you movie-worthy bubbles, but ultimately will dry out your skin and leave you feeling like you want to take a shower straight after. Wouldn’t you rather use something which leaves your skin feeling refreshed and soothed?

Say no more!
Bath teas actually moisturise and soften your skin, thanks to the oatmeal and natural body butter. These wholesome ingredients help to soothe your skin by locking in moisture naturally, without clogging or irritating your skin.
As you lay there, soaking it all in, you might notice your mood begin to lift and your mind starts to clear. Certain botanicals and essential oils in bath teas can trigger positive responses in your brain, from uplifting citrus to comforting frankincense, the right scent could be just the mental pick-me-up you need. Which scent sends you to your happy place?

If I haven’t convinced you yet, why not try out the DIY recipe for yourself? You might just find a mix that you love so much you want to share it. Tag us on socials @thealchemistssatchel and if we love your recipe as much as you do, you could be in for a chance to win a box set of your choice.

Build your own blend
Start exploring bath teas with this simple recipe which makes 1 bag of tea.
Here is what you’ll need:
– Reusable cotton or muslin tea bag (you could even tie up a clean, old sock if you’ve not invested in reusable tea bags yet)
– 40g of rolled oats (or oatmeal will work too)
– 5g of cocoa butter shavings. This can be substituted for shea butter, coconut oil chunks, or even our body butter.
– 5g of botanicals. If you’re not sure what to use, we love lavender or rose petals. You can even use fresh herbs such as rosemary.
– 10 drops of essential oils. An alchemist’s Satchel favourite is a combination of lavender, bergamot and rosemary – you’re welcome! *
*for extra sensitive skin, children, eczema or psoriasis, simply remove the essential oils.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl to combine, we recommend you use a metal or silicone mixing spoon to avoid the oils soaking into your wooden utensils.
Scoop into the bag and seal with a tight knot
Run yourself a lovely bath
Place bag in warm bath water
Leave the bag to soak and give it a good squeeze to release the skin-loving goodness into your tub!

Top tip: you can keep your teabag and reuse it, just make sure to empty out the wet ingredients after your bath.

Until next time, peace and light, The Alchemist Satchel.